LEARN: Framing



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In her research, Amy Edmondson found that the difference between success and failure was not determined by management support. Resource says project leader status or expertise. Instead, differences in how the project was framed by each project leader gave rise to different attitudes. A frame is a set of assumptions and beliefs about a particular object or situation.

The process of framing is a process of creating meaning as managers. This skill is crucial because as humans we are meaning making beings When we are needing buy in from people with different frames and worldviews. We can adapt our frame to better align to their understanding needs and desires. Here's an example of how different ways of presenting the same information can evoke different emotions.

The statement that the odds of survival one month after surgery are 90% is more reassuring than the equivalent statement that mortality within one month of surgery is 10%. When presenting your ideas, focus on the benefits that they will bring. Be clear about how your idea will make things better. Solve a problem, or create a new opportunity.

Help others understand what's in it for them and how your idea will make their lives easier or better. Concrete examples can help people visualize how your idea will work in practice. Additionally, it's important to anticipate potential concerns or objections that others may have and address them proactively. This can help build trust and credibility with your audience.

Remember that different people have different priorities and concerns, so it's important to customize your approach to appeal to your audience. Consider what motivates them, what they value most, and tailor your message accordingly. By framing your ideas effectively, you can make them more compelling and increase the chances of getting buy in from others.