Emily (00:08)
Remember, before you end a 1-on-1 both people should announce what they're taking away and agree on the timeline for what's getting done. Are there actions that need to be taken by whom and when? Use the action item section of your 15Five agenda for this. You can even assign the owner and will help you to remember with a friendly nudge during the week.
If setting next steps and owning accountability feels new for your team member, you can help this to happen by prompting them with this question. So I have it clear next steps for you are to do this by Wednesday. Does that work? You can also ask, So what are the next steps for you?
If it feels uncomfortable to ask your direct reports what they're committing to right out of the gate, you can always start by stating your own next steps. First, ask yourself, Are they counting on you to do something to support them? And what are you committing to outside of this meeting? Then, say next steps for me are to do this by Tuesday.
Do I have that right? Stating your own next steps out loud often creates a precedent for the other person to do the same.