


ADAM (00:00)


Some things in life are almost too obvious to have to learn about, right? And you might think that stress is one of these things, but because stress is everywhere in our lives, we actually need to talk about it, what it is, and how to cope with it. Stress at work and in life is unavoidable. But did you know that stress is actually an evolved response?

We need stress in difficult times. Stress is a psychological and physiological response to a perceived threat or challenge. It's a natural response to a demanding situation. And in some cases, it can actually be helpful in motivating and energizing us to take action.

However, prolonged stress is chronic, and it can have negative effects on both mental and physical health as well as our performance at work. Managing stress is important for our overall well-being as well as your performance as a manager. The good news is that there are strategies you can practice to identify stressors and manage stress effectively.