ADAM (00:09)
There's one specific method of recognition I want to share with you, and it's one that's recommended by positive psychologists called strengths spotting. This is when you simply notice and remind people of their strengths by highlighting how impactful they are to you, to others around them, and to the work that you're doing. Studies to date have shown that only one-third of people have any meaningful understanding of what their strengths are.
And as many as 40% of leaders have strengths that they are unaware of. Understanding and maximizing the use of strengths at work greatly impacts both performance and meaning at work. As a manager, you can help your team member better grasp their strengths and appreciate them for the impact of their strengths through a process called Strength Spotter. There are three steps and strengths, but first spot the strength and what you observed.
Second, explain the behavior that you observed. And finally, appreciate the impact of the behavior and the strength. So here's an example. I noticed that Jim demonstrated compassion and empathy when I was working directly with him during our meetings. He's present, he's warm, and he makes sure that everybody is heard and involved.
Spot would sound like this, Jim, you're so compassionate and empathetic. Then I'm going to explain. You frequently check in to ensure how different people think and feel about decisions we're discussing. And you call attention to the impact the decision might have on a specific person or group.
And finally, appreciate. This helps our team make better decisions because we are considering more perspectives and we're thinking about all of our stakeholders. Plus, it helps me remember that my opinion matters. Thank you!