Leading with Self-Awareness
Explore self-awareness as a leadership power skill. These practices will help you to better understand and adapt your behaviors as a manager, and improve your ability to work with others.
~ 15 minutes
Prioritizing Goals to Increase Productivity
In this microlearning, you'll learn how to optimize your team's productivity by focusing on the tasks that matter most to achieving your goals.
~ 15 minutes
Going Direct: Resolving Tensions with Coworkers
In this microlearning, you’ll discover a simple and powerful framework for leading clearing conversations. Learn how this practice can restore connection and psychological safety, and help you get back on track for productive collaboration.
~ 15 minutes
Recognition that Drives Engagement
Learn the skill of strengths-spotting and how recognition profoundly influences motivation, performance, and satisfaction at work.
~ 15 minutes
Better Decision Making: Bias & Analysis
Understand more about our natural tendencies in making decisions and how they can sometimes lead us astray. Learn how to counter biases and analyze information objectively to make better decisions..
~ 10 minutes
Influential Leadership: Getting Buy-In
Learn about the common social and relational obstacles to buy-in, and discover a step by step practice to help get others on board with your initiatives.
~ 15 minutes
Career Growth Conversations: A Guide
Learn how to drive meaningful career growth for your team using conversations, projects, & milestones
~ 15 minutes
Hard Conversations Made Easier
Get better at having tough conversations. Learn how to plan for and effectively communicate when tensions are high.
~ 15 minutes
Driving Psychological Safety with Role Clarity
How do you ensure your team knows what they're responsible for? Learn a framework for clarifying job expectations, and conversational tools to gain or reestablish role clarity.
~ 10 minutes
Meaningful 1-on-1's: Goals, Growth, Feedback
Discover what makes 1-on-1’s the most powerful conversational practice for any team leader.
~ 15 minutes
Managing Stress: Feel Better, Make Progress
Understand the different types of stress and discover your unique stress response behaviors. Increase stress resilience on your team with 'balancing actions'
~ 10 minutes
Goal Basics: MBO's & OKR's
In this microlearning, you will learn essential techniques for creating OKRs and how to ensure the goals you set are inspiring and measurable.
~ 20 minutes